Clindard Adkins, 71 of Rockhouse, KY passed away at his home on Saturday, Oct. 24, 2015. Clinard was born October 9, 1944 at Rockhouse to Rebie Coleman Adkins and the late Elzie Adkins. Besides his father Clinard was preceded in death by his wife, Sandra Diane Dixon Adkins. Clinard is survived by two sons, Robert D. Adkins & Clinard “Bubby” Adkins and one daughter, Mary Green all of Elkhorn City, KY; and six grandchildren. He is also survived by two brothers, Howard Adkins of Akron, OH & Ronald Blake Adkins of Elkhorn City, KY. Visitation will be after 6PM Tuesday, Oct. 27 and Oct. 28, 2015 at the Rockhouse Old Regular Baptist Church, Rockhouse, KY with services nightly at 7PM. Funeral services will be conducted Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015 at 1PM from the church. Burial will follow at the Arthur & Mary Coleman Cemetery, Rockhouse, KY.
Ronna says
I’m sorry loss our my family I’m sad I’m so sorry loss our family lots Ronna Bentley and Lindsey Bentley we love you I will Miss you so very much lots my cousins I know make me cry I will Miss you so very much my family I’m so sad I’m miss you so very much good bye in heaven jeuse in my. Prayers I’m sad my family I’m loss. We my family let me know I will Miss you so very much Ronna Bentley Granddaugther Ronna Bentley we love you Mss you so very much I know my family my hearts I miss you so very much good bye. Love you my hearts I miss you so very much my love all my family with you in my prayers and lots cousins Granddaugther Ronna Bentley And Lindsey Bentley all my family loss our my family lots cousins I know you all my family in my prayers I. Know you lots cousins
William Easterling says
Losing parents is a hard thing to go through. Words do not take the full sting out of the loss, but hugs, handshakes, and comforting words help soothe the weary soul. Let those of us that know this fine family pray for the loved ones Clinard left behind. It is my prayer that they will be comforted, and that CHRIST’s tender love and mercy will be bestowed upon them as they go thru this process. Condolences to the entire Clinard Adkins family.
Bonnie Smith says
I’m sorry for your loss.
Betty Damron Ilic says
so sorry , prayers to the family….
Hellier High School 1963, classmates